What is baptism in the Holy Spirit?
A great question! Because I am not a theologian, or pastor, my answer is going to be different I think than most articles you may find online about this. I encourage you to Google it, read several sources and discuss with your pastor what your church’s belief is on the matter. I am going to stay in the realm of experience, because that’s what I have. This question has made me do a fair bit of research and I must say I have not come across anything definitive or satisfying.
SO! Water baptism is a public declaration that you are a follower of Christ. It is a physical act with spiritual effects: you are immersed in water, to represent the old you dying and then you are raised up, symbolizing that you are a new creation, having been cleansed and saved by the blood of Jesus. I believe that you receive the Holy Spirit when you first receive Jesus as your Savior, and then at baptism, His presence is stronger in your life. I believe that in your daily Christian life, as you do things to build up your Spirit (fasting, praying, reading the Bible, praising and worshipping God), the presence of the Holy Spirit is stronger in your life. And I do believe a time comes when you experience a supernatural filling that can be compared to immersion in water.
I want to tell you how it happened for me. I grew up in a Pentecostal church that strongly promoted baptism in the spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. (This means that they believed once you were filled with the Holy Spirit, you would be able to speak in a language that isn’t a “real” translatable language, but a collection of words and syllables that are understood to be a heavenly language.) I grew up understanding that this was part of spiritual life, and that it would just happen. But sister, I have to tell you… it just didn’t happen for me. Instead of building my faith, the fact that I could not speak in tongues made me feel further away from Christ. I started to wonder what was wrong with me, and I will even tell you, I thought maybe He had rejected me. I felt judged by my church community, and I was afraid of people discovering that I could not speak in tongues, so I became even quieter. When people would pray that I would get filled with the Spirit and I didn’t speak in tongues, I felt great pressure. I listened to other people speak in tongues, and I even tried out some of those words on my own. It sounded fake to me, and I was embarrassed and never did it again.
When I moved away from my hometown, my Christianity grew leaps and bounds. I discovered that living my life dependent on God was very different than just going to church once a week. He came to be my Savior, present tense. It was almost like he was teaching me day by day to look for Him and to wait for His voice. When I had built up my spiritual life, I asked God why I hadn’t spoken in tongues before. I ended up reflecting on the ups and downs of my Christian walk, the pressure of knowing that I wasn’t able to do what others seemed to access easily, and I saw myself discouraged and without faith. I began to pray and ask God to fill me with the Holy Spirit, with or without tongues, I was determined to have the experience.
There came a morning when I was praising and worshipping God out loud all by myself. I was really happy and encouraged, and I was just delighting in God, and reflecting words from the Bible that showed His character. In the midst of this, what happened I can only describe as a disconnect- along the way, I was not listening to myself pray. When I heard my prayer, I realized it wasn’t English. The moment I heard it, everything stopped. I stopped praying – I wondered if I had heard correctly and immediately I began to have doubts. I prayed again, this time addressing the Holy Spirit in English and asking Him to build my faith so that I can be free to speak it in tongues and after a short while, I began to hear my heavenly language. I was eager to test it out, play with it and learn all I could about it. Here are some highlights of that experience:
1) I realized that while speaking in tongues, I was still in full control. This was contrary to what I thought it would be like, and what I had seen before. You can always stop speaking in tongues. People who speak loudly are making the decision to- and I think that sometimes, in prayer like spiritual warfare, that is needed. But overall, you can control the volume and the desire to speak in tongues.
2) The enemy tries to mess with your head while it is happening. He tries to distract you, or make you question the practice because he wants you to stop! When you speak in heavenly tongues, you are speaking spiritual things (1 Corinthians 14:2). The Holy Spirit, through you, is interceding and praying for things that you do not have knowledge of. Sometimes when praying for a person, I might speak in tongues because on a human level, I don’t know the situation, but the Holy Spirit does and will know how to pray. The enemy wants to stop this process because this is a pure form of communication with God, much like waiting on Him, or praying in your heart without audible words. (And if you can’t or haven’t spoken in tongues, I want to encourage you to keep praying those silent inner prayers from time to time. The enemy does not know your thoughts and you have a direct line to God in that way.)
3) Your mind and your spirit are two very different parts of you. I had to learn how to turn off my mind with its judgments, rationalizations, and doubt and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of my tongue. There are times when I am praying and I become very aware of my thoughts. Even though I am thinking, it is not stopping me from praying. At times, my mind will try to distract me, but other times, I am just aware of what is going on and this particularly useful when praying for people who are sick.
4) Speaking in tongues and having a gift of tongues are different. When we pray with a heavenly tongue, we pray to God (Romans 8:26) and are led by the Holy Spirit. But it is a spiritual gift to be able to speak in tongues to address a group, and then have someone else receive the interpretation of what was said. I have seen this done, and to be perfectly honest- I think it is a gift from God that shows up from time to time and really can edify other Christians. I also think that one has to be particularly brave to speak in tongues to address a group and have faith that there will be an interpretation. I was once in a service where this particular gift surface. A woman addressed the congregation in tongues, and after a pregnant pause, the interpretation was given. Later on our way, my dad told me that he had received the interpretation, but when it was time to speak, he didn’t feel ready and the other person interpreted. He confirmed that the interpretation was word for word what was spoken. I think he was surprised by this experience, and I was surprised that someone I knew was privy to such a supernatural occurrence.
5) Speaking in tongues requires faith. You can build that faith by doing things to strengthen your spirit in the things of God. When you start to exercise faith on this level, the increase can open you up to living life at a different level. I’ve heard it compared to a gas tank- being filled with the Holy Spirit is like being three quarters full, and speaking in tongues helps you to fill up to the overflow faster and more abundantly.
Other things changed in my life after the day that I first began speaking in tongues. I had a new confidence and greater faith in the things of God. I started to really understand that nothing is impossible with Him. I also could not stop telling people about Him and all that He did for me, including the experience of speaking in tongues. It took a long time for it to happen, but once it did, I promised to pray in tongues as much as possible, because it was a gift obtained by faith. I now had a testimony and a bolder desire to share Jesus with everyone around me.
Are you ready to try on your own to receive the gift of tongues? Here are my suggestions!
· Build up your faith and strengthen your spirit through praise and worship, reading the Bible, fasting and prayer
· Spend time alone with God regularly and build up your prayer time
· Let God know that you want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. This is a good thing to desire!
· Spiritually cleanse the room you pray in. Command all spirits that are not the Holy Spirit to go in the name of Jesus, to ensure that you are not distracted or deceived.
· Begin to pray and move to the point where you disconnect and you are no longer listening to your words. With your mind, create images towards God of who He is to you. Remember God literally lives in the praises of His people. He will meet you there!
· Release your faith to the Holy Spirit. I don’t know how to describe or advise this. Think of pumping a well and then letting the water gush out… that’s the release. I am praying that after youread this, God will reveal to you what releasing your faith will look like practically. I believe it’s different for different people.
· Keep trying! Keep going there! I discourage you from giving into pressure from others to be able to speak in tongues. I believe that there are Spirit-filled Christians who have never accessed this gift. Keep a healthy attitude towards it. The race you run is between you and God.
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