There was a time when R. Kelly and Jay-Z decided that, given their respective success in RnB and Hip Hop, they should record an album and tour together. Jay-Z was quoted as saying that this collaboration would be like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, two widely known figures from the civil rights movement. Incidentally, the two men stood for very different values and did not always appreciate the other’s work. But back to 2002, what a huge promise Jay-Z made! This was going to change everything. What exactly? We can’t be sure. How? We would have to wait and see. I loved music so much back then, and I bought this lie hook, line and sinker.
What happened with the tour did make history- I don’t think two artists have ever sued each other for the kinds of things that happened and then didn’t happen between them. R. Kelly’s name was notoriously scandalized for statutory rape and currently awaits trial. Jay-Z turned out to be a proper businessman, and recognizing that this was a bad deal, did what he could to cut ties and settle the whole thing as quietly as possible.
You might be wondering why I’ve taken this entry point. It certainly doesn’t read like my usual style. Back in the early 2000s, social media was not a hot ticket yet. We still bought CDs and listened to the radio to hear new songs, although Napster and Limewire had already begun changing the way we store music. I had a little local radio show with a friend in university, and we would spend hours downloading hot new music to play.
Back then, music artists were revered as stars. We didn’t have access to their private moments and pictures of their lunch yet. We would to read magazines, watch TV, and go to concerts. For this reason, award shows were a big deal. We wanted to see what people were wearing, who they were dating and what little tidbits of gossip would be dropped. Both R. Kelly and Jay-Z were respected names, who had already crossed over into more mainstream culture. Some survived that crossover, others didn’t. What I think Jay-Z was trying to say is, imagine if two people who have crossed over from the margins put their success, creativity and talent together to create something new? Not only will we garner more success, but we will create a path for others to follow us and for greater fandom.
When this Best of Both Worlds tour and so forth came out, it mattered to the people who cared to know about it. For two people who had star-power and followings, their fans listened and tried to support. Such big words were quickly unravelled by one of those artists pride causing the entire thing to fall. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I was disappointed, not just by this failure, but by everything that R. Kelly has done. I know his music was demonic, the way it had me. I really had to break away from it, and now that everyone knows the mindset of the person who created all that music, it must be making sense that the darkness he carries pervades everything he creates. I think about all of the people who “restored” him, Christian and otherwise. It was for show and for the trial and now look at where things stand.
These were two celebrities had followings who kept up with them and believed in them. If anyone could have made a change that would be lasting, it would be them, given that they had money and sway. In spite of all things, nothing changed.
Here is the word for the hour- You may not be R. Kelly or Jay-Z, but social media can make you think that you are a celebrity, although only to your friends list. Jay-Z and R. Kelly used a microphone to be heard across the airways, declaring that their collaboration would cause the world to change. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has given each of us microphones of our own and all we keep doing is turning up the volume to drown out others in order to draw more attention to ourselves.
I use social media as much as you do. Celebrities use it even more than me. What was shrouded in mystery has become plain as day- I can tell you where they have been, what they ate and what they think based on their posts. The more we run through and expose ourselves to this, the more desensitized we become, but you already know this. The more attention we get, the more daring our posts become, but you already know this. Although we may be sharing and resharing about issues that matter and the gospel, it is very hard to detect when pride begins to puff up and you start to believe your own press- this you may not know. It’s an ever so slight tilt of the nose that changes the tone of your message from “I mean well and believe this” to “I’m superior because I believe this”.
Here is what you don’t know, what you haven’t figured out about these platforms and how they are used. If the enemy can convince us that these cheap soap boxes we get up on are actually podiums for respectable folk, it will be less about the message and more about the tone, because it is changing YOU. It is removing you from being anchored in your identity in Christ and instead telling you that what you post is important and meaningful when the truth is, it’s only meaningful to you. You didn’t fast and pray for a word, you took what idea you had and now you’re squeezing Christ into it, so it can still be Christian flavoured: a square peg destined for a round hole.
Today, I’m asking you to partner with the Holy Spirit and examine what you share on social media. Ask Him to reveal to you the true intention of your heart, or your motives in why you post what you post. As Christians, who recognize that God gave power to words as part of creation, we have to steward the words we use.
These days, words are used to commit violence. Everyone knows that physical bullying is not allowed, but people have taken to spitting out in words what they want to do with their fists. Words are not physical violence, but the level of poison that is emanating from some of the words I see indicate a deep, internal bitterness. Bitterness causes sickness. Your body and health deserve to be treated better.
And since I’m on the topic, I encourage you to resist interpreting silence. I don’t know who told you this, but you have the right to speak and not to speak. In the same way that you are not responsible for the version of you that someone has created of you in their head, you have the right to remain silent without being subjected to interpretation. When people interpret your silence as your lack of support, they are not respecting your right to reserve your thoughts for a time that you deem appropriate. It’s ridiculous to the point of, if I don’t say something that accommodates your bullying, to make you feel like your views are superior and RIGHT, then I deserve to be brutalized however you see fit. When did communication become so militant? And to what end? You’ll notice that when people who use violent words to get what they want are not successful in doing so, they quickly resort to physically destroying everything around. Don’t even try to compare that with Jesus turning over some tables in the temple- it just isn’t the same deal.
Final point- You are not R. Kelly or Jay-Z (in Jesus name! haha). While both had achieved a level of success to validate the big words they threw around, what they promised never actually was achieved. In a world where too many nobodies have social media microphones, I encourage you to choose your words carefully, in light of the one you represent, that being Jesus. You don’t have to be and do like everyone else. You don’t have to give into US and THEM thinking. You don’t have to share your opinion, sometimes you can just pray on it. You don’t have to sell the gospel. Spend time living it and working hard in meaningful real life connections instead of fruitless “raising awareness” ways.
“The best of both worlds” is a cliché and a lie. The Bible says no person can serve two masters, and that money and evil corrupts all that is good and holy. I encourage you to be uncomfortable on this planet, because it is not your home. If you want to make it to the world that is beyond your imagination, you need to pinch yourself now and then on earth and remind yourself that all of these things will pass away. The only work that matters is that what you do for God, and by the way, the things that you do that have nothing to do with him, or present him in a poor manner, will not count. I can’t say that I’m a stripper for God- theologically, it doesn’t work. This world however, will try to convince you that it can work, that you can make it work so that you can have the best of both. So much is being compromised, make sure that you know who you are in Christ so that it never seeps into your identity.
To my brothers and sisters in the USA, I see you hurting and I am sad for you. I want you to know that we are praying for you through all of the civil unrest and political upheaval. You are not forgotten, you are loved. Thank you for emails- let me know how I can support you in your walk with God.