What Kind of Secrets?
Most people tend to think of me as a big sister.
Physically and spiritually, I’ve changed diapers, wiped noses, warmed bottles of milk and lulled little ones to sleep that are not my children. I steer them clear of hazard when I can, because I want to save them from the pain. God knows, I have been there too. By no means am I perfect or an absolute voice. I know there were times in my youth when I wished I had the ear of a Christian sister who could give me the kind of real advice I needed.
The purpose of this blog is to mentor and encourage women to go deeper in their personal relationship with God from the point of view of a long-time Christian. I believe that Jesus died, sinless, and in doing so, broke the rules of death, took on the sins of all humanity and forgave us. His ascension to heaven sweetened the deal by giving us access to the Holy Spirit, who enables us to live a life that is synced with God. And yes, I believe He will return to be with us again!
I am not a pastor, I did not attend Bible school and I am not a therapist. I'm just your sister, sitting in the pew beside you.
Making the decision to enter a personal relationship with Christ is a beautiful thing. There’s this precious time where every morning you wake and bask in the love of the Creator who has breathed into you once more. Eventually, rubber hits the road and life takes off again at an alarming rate. A moment amiss is all it takes to change the course of a life. In these times, I sincerely hope that you have a network of people to support you. And if you don’t, then I hope this blog will stand in the gap for the moment.
The secrecy is on purpose. Why?
1. There are things that I wish I could say to ladies I know who are “going through”, but I’ve learned that it will change the way they interact with me. It’s not that I have a sordid past, but we’ve all done things that we are not proud of in the light of our rejuvenated lives. So sadly, these things go unshared.
2. I don’t want this to be about me! I want this to be a place where you feel safe to express yourself in the comments, to share with me and discuss how to “get through”. To make it anything but anonymous activates the curious sou-sou in us all.
3. I don’t want to build a brand around me. I see too many people in ministry today who think because they have something to say they are qualified to open up a ministry. I want you to go to church and have good relationships in the church. When something comes up that you can’t talk to them about, this is a good place to work out your thoughts until you find a way to get support and help from them because your church is your community and they SHOULD be who you turn to.
I know not many people go to church anymore, and I think this site can serve as an intermediary until you find a church you like. I want to answer your questions and work with you to get you real life friends.
These things I want to write I feel need to be said. My commitment to you is to always bring things back to the Word of God, the Bible, and spending time with the Holy Spirit; learning to treat Him like a best friend instead of one who is far removed from you.
I’m your sister, and I love you. What we say here goes in the vault...